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The openaq package provides convenience functions to help plot data extending the base::plot function.

To visualize locations on a map, call the plot function after returning a data frame from the list_locations function call. A basic basemap with national boundaries is included based on the Natural Earth dataset via the maps package.

df <- list_locations(
  bbox = list(6.291990, 32.823129, 37.932615, 45.181129),
  parameters_id = 2,
  limit = 1000

We can configure and customize the figure using standard base::plot parameters in this example coloring the points by provider and customizing the type of marker used.

plot(df, col = df$providers_id, pch = 20)

The list_sensor_measurements provides a base::plot function to visualize the measurement values as a time series line chart.

df <- list_sensor_measurements(
  datetime_from = as.POSIXct("2025-01-01 00:00", tz = "America/Denver"),
  datetime_to = as.POSIXct("2025-01-15 23:00", tz = "America/Denver"),